Yesterday evening the community of Grandview unveiled a sign honouring their own Ryan Pulock, who plays for the New York Islanders.
Community members and dignitaries gave speeches about Ryan.
He also received traditional and ceremonial gifts from Chief of Tootinaowaziibeeng, Barry McKay.
Ryan says this sign is a huge honour to him and his family.
“Growing up here in the community, and my parents and grandparents living here all of their lives, it’s really special to be honoured in this way.”
Ryan played for the Brandon Wheat Kings from 2010 to 2014, and was a two-time Western Hockey League First Team All-Star.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
There were no major injuries after a collision that took place Friday afternoon in Dauphin.
The collision occurred on 1st avenue southeast and Mountain Road around 3:40 p.m.
Officials have told CKDM that the scene has been cleared for traffic to resume.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
The projects will rehabilitate essential water and wastewater infrastructure and raise, rehabilitate, and replace dikes and dams to community needs, making these Manitoba communities even more resilient.
Brandon’s water treatment facility will be upgraded as a part of this funding. $115 million for this project is jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the government of Manitoba and the City of Brandon.
The project includes adding a membrane treatment facility to help Brandon meet water quality requirements and increase capacity.
These upgrades will ensure the residents of Brandon have continued access to safe and reliable drinking water for decades to come.
Reg Helwer, Minister of Central Services, spoke of the support Brandon is receiving.
“Funding for the Brandon water treatment facility upgrade and expansion will improve wastewater management so the region can continue to grow knowing that its facilities have increased treatment capacity, will meet and exceed water quality requirements, and will provide a cleaner environment to the area’s growing population. Our government is proud to support this important project.”
Through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan, the Government of Canada is funding more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade, transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
RCMP received a report of damage to a golf green at the Russell Golf Course on Thursday at around 3:45 p.m.
RCMP say the initial investigation has determined a vehicle drove onto the course and damaged the green.
It appears the vehicle involved is a rear-wheel-drive vehicle.
Anyone with information is asked to call Russell RCMP at 204-773-3051.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
The province and St. Amant are going to work together to provide an enhanced respite care option to children with disabilities, as part of a new pilot project.
The two-year pilot includes the creation of two overnight respite homes – a four-bed home in Winnipeg and a three-bed home in Brandon.
Families Minister Rochelle Squires made the announcement today.
“Respite care is one of the most requested services by families that are raising children with disabilities. While services are available, we know that more needs to be done to support those families who face additional challenges when raising their children.”
The minister adds that out-of-home overnight respite and family supports enhance the range of services outside of the child welfare system by offering families:
- a holistic and family-centred approach to services that meet the needs of children and their families at the earliest opportunity, and help children and their siblings, parents and extended families build confidence to successfully care for children at their homes
- services that support the right of children to life-long connections to their families, communities and cultures, and acknowledge the best way for children to achieve positive life-long outcomes is to be raised within their families, communities and cultures
- the ability of children to enter respite care at any time of the day to ensure the least disruption for their families
Squires says a minimum of $3 million is being committed to this pilot.
“We want to ensure that families have access to services that meet their needs, including innovative respite options, that are supported by trained and experienced workers.”
The minister notes that with this initiative, the Manitoba government is adhering to a key recommendation in a report from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth.
The pilot will be evaluated at the end of the two years.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Canada is making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for all workers in federal service by this fall.
Transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced today that the federal government will soon require that all public servants be vaccinated — a mandate that he said will also be implemented by Crown corporations and other federally regulated businesses in the coming weeks.
Alghabra also said that starting soon, all commercial air travellers and passengers on interprovincial trains and large marine vessels with overnight accommodations (such as cruise ships) will have to be vaccinated. He added accommodations will be made for those few who are unable to be vaccinated.
While Canada's vaccination rate is among the highest in the world, Alghabra said the country must do better.
Alghabra added that the implementation will take place no later than October.
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On August 9th, at approximately 2:50 p.m., Ste Rose du Lac RCMP received a report of an armed robbery at a business on Highway 50 in the RM of Alonsa.
RCMP say that three males wearing masks pulled up to the business, got out with firearms, and pointed them at the employees. They then stole an undisclosed amount of money and cigarettes. They left in the same vehicle. None of the employees were physically injured.
Amaranth and Neepawa RCMP, and Manitoba First Nations Police Service, were notified of the suspect vehicle, which was found in Sandy Bay.
MFNP then conducted a traffic stop on a van in the community. One of the suspects from the robbery was visible in the van, as was a firearm.
All four occupants of the vehicle were arrested, three males and a female driver. The female has since been released without charge.
31-year-old Francis Beaulieu, 26-year-old Anton Levasseur, and 29-year-old Victor Lavasseur, all from Sandy Bay, remain in custody on charges of Robbery with a Firearm and various firearms offences.
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The government of Manitoba is providing over $241 thousand from the proceeds of crime to the Brandon Police Service, Cornwallis Police Service, and Rivers Police Service.
Justice Minister Cameron Friesen says the funding will go towards safety and crime prevention initiatives.
“One award of over $15,000 is being directed to the purchase of electronic equipment for the Online Child Exploitation Unit for the Brandon Police Service, where officers work to investigate cases of children being sexually exploited online. Another award will be used for emergent trauma kits that will allow officers to effectively intervene and provide emergency treatment on scene.”
The minister noted that Brandon Police Service is receiving more than $215 thousand through the Criminal Property Forfeiture program for safety and crime prevention programs including:
- $17,422 for equipment for immediate emergent trauma kits
- $10,791 for equipment for trauma care kits
- $15,483 for software and hardware for the Online Child Exploitation Unit
- $4,483 for cameras for the Forensic Identification Unit
- $82,500 for mobile workstations
- $50,000 for in-car camera systems
- $24,500 for a digital fingerprinting system
Brandon Police Service, Deputy Chief Randy Lewis says once again the service was fortunate enough to receive funding from the Manitoba Justice Criminal Property Fund.
“These funds have allowed us to purchase much-needed medical equipment for our officers to carry on their person and in their vehicles, which will allow for timely first aid to be provided to fellow officers or members of the public.”
More information about criminal property forfeiture can be found here.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Many Manitoba post-secondary institutions are not mandating COVID-19 vaccination to attend in-person classes come fall.
These schools include the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, University of Brandon and Red River College.
Previously, all have said vaccination was not to be required to attend classes but it was strongly recommended and encouraged.
The schools are also operating the next year with blended in-person and online class schedules.
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Those wanting to get their COVID-19 vaccine have many opportunities for walk-ins next week.
Dauphin’s supersite at the Ukrainian Orthodox Hall, located at 304 Whitmore Avenue east, is taking walk-ins from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 16th and 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 21st.
In Swan River, walk-ins are taking place on Tuesday, August 17th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre, located at 1413 Main Street east.
Brandon's Keystone Centre Vaccine Supersite is having walk-ins on Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. next week.
On Friday, August 20th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., walk-ins are taking place at the Co-op parking lot in Roblin.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
On Tuesday, Premier Brian Pallister announced that he won’t be seeking re-election and that he’s stepping aside at the mid-point of this term.
MLA Brad Michaleski says the progressive conservative government has had a really strong team over the past five years and says he’s thankful to Pallister for all of the work he’s done and his commitment to the province.
Michaleski adds that Premier Brian Pallister’s announcement that he’s stepping down didn’t come as a surprise to him.
“Politicians don’t go on and on forever so I respect his decision to step down, and I wish him and his family all the best.”
Michaleski says having a new leader isn’t going to help or hurt the PC government.
“The party is still incredibly strong and focused on what we need to do, and this is just a natural progression.”
Pallister has been the party’s leader for nearly 10 years, and the premier for over five years.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson