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Helping Everyone Reach Out. That's what the Dauphin HERO Club stands for and it's a spot for those who are living with mental health challenges and the HERO Club is now excited to open their hot dog cart for the summer.

Starting Tuesday, June 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (while supplies last), hot dogs and smokies will be for sale at the club's headquarters which is the Under One Roof building which is the United Church. Jim Price is the navigator for the Dauphin Hero Club and he is very much looking forward to Tuesday.

"The willingness and want from our members to get back on the cart has been outstanding, Tuesday will be a big day for us," said Price. "The people of Dauphin are always very supportive, the turnout historically has always been very good."

The hot dog cart will also be operational during the same time period on Thursdays for the summer months. 

"It's going to be an amazing summer and we're looking forward to serving you," ended Price. 

The Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy has donated $5,000 to the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund today. In addition to the money, the pharmacy also donated 12 first-aid kits to the Fund.

According to Jim Perchaluk, president of the Ukrainian Folk Arts Centre, there are currently eight families in Dauphin, with another four committed to come. Perchaluk feels that the Fund is a big success and said

When we first started out with Reit-Syd's donation of $25,000, we didn't have any idea of where this would end up... It's not over yet, nor is the war in Ukraine, so [these are] very unfortunate circumstances to be working in to [say] "oh, this is very successful," but we're doing what we can to help those Ukrainian families here and it's just a tremendous support from Dauphin, the Parkland, all over the province.

He also said that even though they had to commit themselves to settling twelve Ukrainian families in Dauphin, they would settle more if the funds allow.

Manitoba Pork is still dealing with its longest-running and largest Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreak ever. According to Manitoba Pork General Manager Cam Dahl, the outbreak has now spanned 33 weeks.

It hasn't broken yet unfortunately, we're at 105 cases, so we're getting significantly over some of those numbers that we saw in past outbreaks. It continued through the winter, that hasn't happened before and we're continuing to see new cases almost every week.

He also talked about, which the province started this year to try and stop the spread of feral pigs before it gets out of hand.

I'm really pleased, it's something that has grabbed Manitoba's imagination a little bit. We're getting reports in every week now and I think last week we had reports of ten sightings that had come in through the website.

After coming onto the board in the fall of 2019, Sharon Zeiler has been elected as the president of the Dauphin & District Handi-Van for 2022. According to Zeiler, the Handi-Van is important to the community because so many people need it to get to and from work, to get to appointments in and out of town.

By being elected as the president of the Handi-Van, Zeiler feels like she has big shoes to fill since former president Stern Richardson stepped down after such a long tenure. She says going through COVID-19 was also really challenging for the Handi-Van

"As we are a non-profit organization, we rely on getting grants... which helped us stay afloat. Unfortunately, with the cost of gas and everything going up, we had to see an increase in [the price of] our trips, which, unfortunately, we don't like to have to do."

As president, Zeiler wants to keep the Handi-Van promoted and wants to remind people that everyone is welcome to use it. You could use it to go uptown to get your groceries if you're unable to get transportation otherwise, and drivers can help you to and from the door, as well as assist you with your packages.

She also wanted to thank the rest of the board members who help make the operation of the Handi-Van possible.

The Dauphin Fire Department was dispatched Sunday morning following a report of a natural gas leak at a building on 3rd Avenue NE. The press release from the DFD is below:

"Just before 11:00 am this morning (June 05) DFD was dispatched for a report of a natural gas leak on 3rd Avenue NE. Crews arrived on scene to find the staff had evacuated the building according to their emergency plan procedures. An investigation within the building with the assistance of a local company that works on natural gas equipment located the fault and they were able to repair the fault.

Our hats off to Dauphin Co-op on being proactive in their emergency plan development and exercising that plan during training to familiarize all their staff with safety procedures. Well done!"

UPDATE  Winnipeg Police say they have safely located Sandra McLaughlin. They would like to thank the public, media, and partner organizations for their assistance in the matter.

Original story is below:

Winnipeg Police are seeking the public's help in locating 63-year-old Sandra McLaughlin, who was abducted early this morning in the Unicity area of Winnipeg. Pictures of the vehicle that was stolen and a recording of the incident are at the bottom of this article.

McLaughlin, who lives with dementia, was in the back of her blue 2012 Jeep Patriot at a gas station. A relative of McLaughlin's who had been driving, went into the gas station. That's when a man approached the vehicle and stole it with Sandra McLaughlin still inside of it.

Sandra McLaughlin is described as being 5’7” tall with a slightly heavier build, long black & white hair and had been wearing a grey hoodie.


The suspect is described as being 6’0” tall with dark hair and had been wearing a grey jacket, dark-coloured shorts, a hoodie with white writing, sandals and white gloves. The vehicle is a blue 2012 Jeep Patriot with Manitoba licence plate KXR 852. It also has a dent in the driver's side door by the handle and rust on the tire rims. The vehicle was last seen travelling westbound heading toward the Perimeter Highway.


Police are concerned for Sandra McLaughlin’s well-being and are asking anyone with any information regarding her whereabouts to contact 911 or the Winnipeg Police Service’s Missing Persons Unit at 204-986-6250.

It's time to set up a tent or park a camper and enjoy the great outdoors in Duck Mountain Provincial Park as all campsites are now open.

Getting to the park will be a bit longer of a drive for some people. You can get there from the west on PR 367 from San Clara or from the north on PR 366 from Minitonas. Be advised that PR 367 is still closed east of Singush Lake to Highway 10 and PR 366 remains closed from the junction of 366/367 south to Grandview.

The Baldy Mountain Trail and Viewing Tower are both still inaccessible due to road washouts on PR 366.  Otherwise all other trails are open, however you should expect wet conditions and fallen trees.

As well, Rainbow Beach Provincial Park is closed until at least Thursday, June 9th, due to recent wet conditions, and Manipogo Provincial Park has a partial closure until at least June 9th.

More information can be found at

The Ukrainian Patriot was started just five days after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and since then, they've been able to gather countless non-lethal military supplies for people on the ground in Ukraine. Lana Niland's originally from Saskatoon and now lives in Kyiv, and she started the organization.

Talia Oleski is the local organizer, and she said that thanks to donations from people in the Parkland, they were able to buy the radios the organization needed.

We were able to recently purchase a van where we can go in a bring medical supplies to areas where other organizations might not be traveling to because it might be more of a dangerous area.

You can learn more about the organization, as well as donate, at their website here.

The Dauphin Fire Department, along with the ten other departments that make up the Riding Mountain Mutual Aid District, is hosting the Manitoba Association of Fire Chiefs Conference this weekend. Chief Cam Abrey says they kicked off the conference yesterday morning, and have events running all day today and tomorrow.

Hosting it here in Dauphin gives us an opportunity, not only to showcase our community and bring some outside revenue into the area because we're hosting 200 to 250 people in our community but also for everyone to get together because this is the first time since 2019 that we've been able to host a conference in the province.

He said the learning and networking opportunity from the conference is great, and it's an opportunity for all the departments to see the latest technology that's available for emergency services.

Johnny Pacey is back and he's set to play for a great cause.

The Dauphinite donated more than $500 to the Dauphin & District Food Bank last summer after his 'Summer Yard Series' concluded and if you've been missing some live music from Pacey, you're in luck. 

Johnny will begin a summer full of performances Friday night at 7:00 at 7 Macleod Avenue West in Dauphin. The free show will be 30 minutes in length and while it is free to watch, donations are welcomed. 50% of all donations received will be given to the Food Bank. 

When deciding where he wanted to donate the money raised from his shows, Pacey said choosing the Food Bank in Dauphin was a no-brainer.

"I grew up on the Food Bank. For me, it's near and dear to my heart," said Pacey. "Everyone needs food, every single person. It's plain and simple, food needs to be on the table for everyone."

Johnny mostly plays jazz music alongside blues music. If you're into music by artists such as Frank Sinatra, you're in for a treat. Pacey is hoping to do several shows throughout the summer and he's looking forward to seeing you on Friday to fire things up. At the end of the day, Pacey loves playing for some passionate music fans.

"It brings a lot of joy to my heart because I'm able to make people smile," said Pacey. "I've been saying for a while that I'm in the business of making people smile. If I can make people smile and have some laughs, that means the world to me."

That's Johnny Pacey performing live at 7 Macleod Avenue West in Dauphin Friday night.

The pork industry in Manitoba exports 90% of what it produces, so relationships are extremely important, especially with the United States. Manitoba Pork GM Cam Dahl says that there are a number of pressures that the relationship between the countries is facing right now.

"We're also facing pressure from protectionism. That was starting before COVID, where countries were turning inward and kind of going "me first" but it really expanded after COVID"

A number of representatives from Manitoba were recently at the State Ag and Rural Leaders’ Summit in Boise, Idaho, working to strengthen that relationship with producers from the US.