The Manitoba government announced $58-million dollars in funding for the 2021-22 school year, to ensure pandemic protection and resources to support mental health and well-being for students and staff.
Investments for the next school year will include:
- $40 million for the per-pupil allocation to school divisions and independent schools for additional staffing, learning and technology, and health and safety
- $6 million for potential costs for PPE
- $5 million for the Kindergarten to Grade 8 Remote Learning Support Centre for students who are medically compromised
- $7 million in contingency including a $5-million recovery learning fund
The recovery learning contingency fund will be used to address the impacts of the pandemic on student learning. It will support several streams including:
- mental health and wellness
- literacy and numeracy
- planning and assessment
- student engagement
- professional learning
Manitoba’s education minister, Cliff Cullen, says for the current school year, the province is projected to invest up to $170 million by the end of June including $85 million in federal contributions.
It is anticipated there will be some level of public health measures for fall 2021 and the types of measures in the fall will be dependent upon vaccination rollout.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Burning permits are now required for all burning activity in the Mossey River Municipality.
Permits are free from the Municipal office.
Any questions can be directed to the Municipal office at 204-656-4791.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Manitoba Public Health officials are advising of at least one confirmed COVID-19 case at MacKenzie Middle School.
The case was at the school in the Grade six classroom on May 13th and 14th when they may have been infectious.
School administration says they’re working closely with public health officials and following their recommendations. Close contacts have been identified and were advised to self-isolate along with their household members.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Manitoba has extended the remote learning period for schools in the province.
All schools in Brandon and Winnipeg will continue their remote learning period until June 7th and all schools in Dauphin will learn remotely until June 9th.
Red River Valley and Garden Valley school divisions will also continue remote learning until June 7th.
Dr. Brent Roussin says he hopes to get students back in school next month, before the end of the school year.
Education Minister Cliff Cullen will hold a press conference this afternoon about COVID-19 funding for the 2021-22 school year.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Today the province announced a new set of stronger public health restrictions.
The following restrictions will take effect on Saturday, May 29th and last until Saturday, June 12th:
• indoor public gatherings are not permitted and visitors are not permitted on private property, except in certain circumstances
• requirements for employers to allow employees to work from home as much as possible
• outdoor gatherings with anyone from outside a household are not allowed and this applies to all recreation spaces including playgrounds, golf courses, parks and sports fields
• retail businesses may only operate at 10 percent capacity or 100 customers, whichever is fewer, and only one person per household will be allowed to enter a business, with some exceptions, such as a single parent with children or someone who requires a caregiver
• increased requirements for malls to manage capacity and access to eliminate gatherings and ensure compliance with shopping
• many businesses and organizations will remain closed for in-person service, including gyms and fitness clubs, restaurants and bars, personal service businesses, museums, galleries and libraries
Premier Brian Pallister commented on the health orders, saying "these are tough health measures because we are in a tough situation."
For more provincial data on COVID-19, click here.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Manitoba’s top doctor will be sitting down at 3:00 today to discuss the return to in-person learning in Manitoba classrooms.
All Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools in Brandon and Winnipeg were transitioned to full remote learning on May 12th.
Remote learning for those schools is set to expire on Sunday, May 30th.
All schools in Dauphin transitioned to full remote learning this week, due to an increasing number of COVID-19 cases associated with schools in the city.
Dauphin schools will be closed to in-person learning until June 9th.
CKDM will bring you details on today’s announcement once they are made available.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Dauphin RCMP is looking for Lester Pruden, who may be in the area.
Pruden is facing charges of Assault with a Weapon, Failing to Comply, and Uttering Threats x2.
He's described as 5'9", 160lbs with brown hair and brown eyes.
If you have any information, you're asked to call the Dauphin RCMP at 622-5050.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Health Authority.
Brian Schoonbaert will take over the role of CEO, replacing Penny Gilson, who will retire on May 31st.
Shoonbaert was formerly the CEO of the Brandon Regional Health Authority and has held a number of executive roles within Prairie Mountain Health.
Shoonbaert says his focus for the next while will be getting through the pandemic.
"I believe we're coming toward the end of the worst, but we do have to keep our attention focused on getting through this time."
The Board Of Directors for PMH are expressing their thanks to Gilson’s dedication and leadership during her time as CEO.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
A Manitoban with COVID-19 has died after an attempt was made to transport them out of the province to receive care.
A spokesperson for Shared Health says a medically stable but critically ill patient, who was identified for transport to an Ontario hospital, destabilized prior to takeoff this week.
The patient was given care by the critical care transport team and returned to the sending facility. The patient passed away the following day.
The spokesperson says that patients who are transferred out of the province are carefully assessed by the critical care team and detailed discussions happen between the teams sending and receiving the patient.
As of yesterday, 18 patients had been sent to hospitals in Ontario.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
The Dauphin and District Chamber of Commerce wrapped up their virtual breakfast series today.
Executive Director of the Dauphin and District Chamber of Commerce, Stephen Chychota, says today’s presentations focussed on newcomers and immigration to the Parkland, and what that looks like for employers.
“We had Deb from Regional Connections in Dauphin do a presentation and also Steve from the Morden/Winkler area of Regional Connections, going over what they’re noticing in their department and particularly what’s happening here in the Parkland.”
Chychota says through the pandemic, they’ve adapted quite nicely to holding virtual meetings.
“We introduced a new platform that I don’t think a lot of people have ever seen. We had a lot of fun with it. It was a mix between a video game and zoom – a really fun and interactive way for people to get together. It brings back that ability to network with one another. In this capacity you can have smaller groups talking to one another. It’s more like being back in a room together with people.”
Stephen looks forward to their next – and possibly last – event of the year, the State of the District on June 8th.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
COVID-19 enforcement officials handed out 130 warnings and 102 tickets in Manitoba last week.
From May 17th to May 23rd, a total of $126,204 in fines was issued to Manitobans.
There were 96 tickets issued for various offences, and six for not wearing a mask in indoor public places.
88 of the fines issued to individuals were in relation to private gatherings that went against current health orders, two for unnecessary northern travel and three to sole proprietorships.
Manitoba Justice officials continue to follow up and investigate all large gathering and rallies they are made aware of, and advise an additional 22 tickets were issued in relation to rallies in Winnipeg.
Fine amounts for violating public health orders have been set at $298 for not wearing a mask in indoor public places, $1,296 for various offences, including sole proprietorships and partnerships, and $5,000 for tickets issued to corporations.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson