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Stock Dog competitions are rolling back in to Rorketon this weekend, as the Rorketon Ripper Returns for its second year.

The day will feature Manitoba Stock Dogs, with talented trainers and their agile dogs displaying their stock-handling skills.

Cale Clark is the son of the organizers of this event, and he's excited to take in the competition.

"Just seeing somebody succeed competing, if it's you, your dog, or even your buddy beside you, just seeing how they come so far from a novice handler who doesn't really know what they're doing, and taking a puppy and become something with them. seeing everyone suceed, that's my favorite part."

The day starts with breakfast at 7:30 am, the stock dog trials begin at 8:30, with a dinner at 5:30, and beer garden from noon till 2 am.

Winners will be competing for prize buckles, donated prizes, and possible cash payouts.

The Rorketon Ripper is barreling towards us like a cowboy on a caffeine high, and the whole town is so stoked they're...

Posted by Manitoba Stock Dog Association on Wednesday, September 4, 2024