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 Last night, Mountain View School Division held a board meeting.

The regularly scheduled meeting covered many topics, including this year's school plan, public health orders on COVID-19 Testing, Municipality taxes, and Truth and Reconciliation Day.

A big issue brought up was when the property tax statements from municipalities within the division were discussed.

Most tax statements were consistent with previous years, except for Grandview, whose property tax report is seeing an increase of 740 percent.

Up from $5,783.16 last year to $42,697.35 this year.

This change would result in a budget overage for property taxes of approximately 37 percent.

The explanation provided on this tax situation to the division had to do with "the municipal amalgamation and harmonization of differentiated mill rates."

The division is seeking further clarity on this topic.

One of the other topics reviewed in the meeting was Truth and Reconciliation day coming up on Thursday.

Superintended Dan Ward outlined what the plan is for September 30th,

"The province has directed school divisions to close schools for that day in recognition of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We don't have information on subsequent years, but there will be something forthcoming whether the province declares that to be a statutory, whether it's going to be a professional development day we are not sure, but we will receive direction from the government prior to next fall."

Mr. Ward said on behalf of the school division he would be bringing greetings to the Dauphin Friendship Centre for their ceremony on Thursday.

The next meeting is set to take place on October 12th.