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We hope to see more daily COVID updates like this.

There is just one additional case of COVID-19 identified in Manitoba today.

Public health officials tell us the total number of probable and lab-confirmed cases in our province is now 204.

17 people are listed as recovered from the virus. The number of deaths remains at 2. 

In the Prairie Mountain Health region, there are 11 lab-confirmed cases.

Yesterday there were 11 COVID screening tests conducted at the Dauphin drive-thru location. Since the first day of testing on April 2nd, Dauphin's COVID screening site has tested a total of 56 people.

Dr. Brent Roussin, our chief provincial public health officer, says if you’re heading outside to enjoy the spring weather, you need to be mindful of social distancing guidelines.

“It’s natural to want to get out and enjoy this weather," he says, "but we need to maintain physical distancing at all times. If you go to the park and you see many cars there, many people and it’s getting crowded, you need to turn back."

"We need to stay active, but not in large groups of people.”

Dr. Roussin notes the virus is mainly transferred through large droplets from the lungs. However, new evidence suggests people who have COVID-19 but do not show symptoms can also spread the virus.

With that being said, Canadian medical experts now agree that wearing a non-medical, homemade mask can help you protect others.

Keep in mind, you should not be using medical-grade masks, as they need to be reserved for our frontline medical professionals. 

Any person concerned about their exposure to or risk of having COVID-19 should call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or (toll-free) at 1-888-315-9257 to be screened to see if a test is required.

For more information and to access the online screening tool for COVID-19, visit

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