Parkland Residential & Vocational Services Inc. (PRVSI) will be making some changes to their programming.
This is in response to the provincial government announcing services for adults with intellectual disabilities should be scaled back in order to support social distancing measures.
PRVSI Executive Director Darrin Clinton says he was informed late last night that the government was recommending some changes.
“We are probably going to end up closing our day program today, so we can give support to residents in their homes. We’re going to have to figure out what we can so participants can get out and have someplace to get out for a while.”
Clinton is calling on past employees to reach out if they can help out during this time.
In an official release, the Manitoba government recommended day services only still be offered to individuals who:
• live with family members who could lose their job if day services are not provided,
• are supported by home share providers who can’t provide care during daytime hours and where other arrangements are not possible, and
• cannot be safely supported in their residence during daytime hours.