Premier Brian Pallister has updated the province on the COVID-19 situation.
Additional proactive measures are being taken to reduce the impact which includes suspending services at licensed child-care centres, effective at the end of the day this Friday.
The government is recommending parents with children in these centres make alternate arrangements as soon as possible, even though centres will remain open for the remainder of the week. The government will continue to allow home-based child-care providers to operate and will be creating dedicated child-care options for front-line and essential services staff who need them.
Parents providing front-line health care, or those who are members of fire, police or paramedic services are asked to contact 204-945-0776 or 1-888-213-4754 for help with making child care arrangements.
The province advises that teachers will continue to be on the job, in schools or at home, to create learning plans and continue teaching using the distance learning options available.
All casinos will be closing at midnight tonight.
Public health officials recommend the immediate suspension of visitors in long-term care facilities across Manitoba. Exceptions for compassionate reasons or end of life will be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of individual facility managers.
To be consistent with the federal government, it’s been recommended that gatherings of more than 50 people are cancelled.