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The Government of Manitoba gave its throne speech on Monday to set out the government’s priorities for their next term.

In the speech, the PC's guaranteed tax relief, job growth, health care investments, education reform, and climate action.

They outlined an ambitious agenda with over 100 initiatives and at least 20 bills planned for introduction.

The government’s speech reaffirmed their 100-day plan and the five-point Moving Manitoba Forward Guarantee, which promises lower taxes for families, 40,000 new private-sector jobs, improved health care, new schools, and the progression of the Made-in- Manitoba Climate and Green Plan.

One of the first things the Government promises to tackle is tax reform, which includes, the implementation of the 2020 Tax Rollback Guarantee that promises to put $2,020 back into Manitoban’s pockets. They also want to eliminate the education portion of property taxes within 10 years.

In the area of job growth, the province wants to continue leading the country in removing inter-provincial trade barriers, speed up the permitting process in municipalities across the province, introducing legislation to remove Sunday and holiday shopping restrictions, increase tourism funding by 25%, launch the Partners in Economic Growth (PEG) initiative with regional and sector partners with a focus on the province’s areas of economic strength including agriculture, aerospace and technology; and increase the highway construction budget to $400 million over the next 4 years.

The government also laid plans for health-care investments. The province wants to provide better health care sooner through the $2-billion Health Care Guarantee, create 200 new nursing positions by 2023, and establish the $40-million Front-Line Idea Fund for health-care workers to support innovative solutions to improve patient care.

The PC government’s education reform plans are to: build 13 new schools over the next 10 years, complete the K-12 Education Review, and launch the $25-million Teacher’s Idea Fund to support innovative solutions to improve educational outcomes across the province.

The government’s climate plan is rather extensive. They plan on exploring how to electrify their transportation infrastructure to reduce Manitoba’s carbon footprint, introducing new bio-fuel standards requirements, doubling the investment in the GROW trust, and exploring the elimination of plastic bags.

In addition to all the plans, the province wants to finalize Operation Return Home to bring the people of the Lake St. Martin First Nation home, and to work with the feds to complete the Lake Manitoba Outlet Channel.

Premier Pallister also invited people across the country to come and join in Manitoba’s 150th anniversary next year.

To read the government's full throne speech, click here.