It’s The Parkland’s Favourite Time Of The Day!
Call in Weekday Mornings at 11:10! 204.638.7878
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FS (470) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales, 1450lbs., located in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817 (leave a message)
LF Old dealership, gas station, general store signs, neon signs, air pumps, gas pumps etc.; anything with advertising on it located in the Dauphin area – have cash in hand
LF Old Marx’s brand tin toys
LF Old motorcycles or parts from the 60s or older
FS Samick acoustic electric guitar with cutaway - $350
FS Teardop hard shell electric guitar case - $20
FS (2) black bar stools - $50 each
Text 204-572-6854
FS King sized duvet cover with 2 shams - $50
FS (3) king sized quilts, like new – prices vary
FS (5) new pairs of cowboy boots, different brands, size 10EE - $75 each
FS (2) oval tanks and a few other fuel tanks
FS One-way disc with 3pt hitch, 24” blades, 6’
FS Seed treater, never used
FS Honda 2” water pump with 12’ suction hose - $300 OBO
FS (2) miter saws - $60 each OBO
FS Assorted Jerry cans for gas and diesel - BO
LF 3000lb and 4500lb Champion winches for parts
Call/text 204-647-1031
LF Seat to fit a Case 2290 tractor, must be in good shape
FS 1995 XCR 600 project; comes with 2 parts sleds - call for details
FS Snowblower - $150
LF Honda trikes, any condition
Call 431-738-2004
FS Pellet stove, with a pipe and everything - $700
FS Goodyear SRA tires, size 275/65/R20, with 3000km on them - $450
LF 350 to a 500 1980s Yamaha quad
LF International 966 or 1066 for parts
FS (26) grassy round hay bales
FS 14’ utility trailer, 77” wide, with 3500lb axle
FS Portable air conditioner unit on wheels
LF 6L Chevy 2008 engine
FS Electrolox vacuum cleaner with attachments - $350
FS (2) antique dining room chairs - $25 each
FS Hudson Bay double size blanket, beige in colour - $45
FS Large mirror, 18” wide x 60” high x 1/4” thick - $60 OBO
FS 21’ grade 1a 300lb multitask aluminum ladder - $180
FS Heavy duty canvas boxing bag/kicking bag, comes with gloves - BO
LF Bale prongs for a skid steer
LF Kubota garden tractor, B series 6100, 7100, 8100, running or not
LF Yamaha Inviter, running or not
LF A pair of Sunn Model 3 speakers
Call/text 204-447-2135 (leave a message)
FS (2) speakers from a stereo system – BO
FS (4) Firestone tires, size 225/60/R16
FS 97’ Arctic Cat 600 snow machine - $1100
LF Old advertising thermometers
LF Old license plates, 1911-1930 range
LF Any type of advertising sign
LF Antique weld pump for a shallow well
- Details
FS - For Sale LF - Looking For GA - Giving Away