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It’s The Parkland’s Favourite Time Of The Day!
Call in Weekday Mornings at 11:10! 204.638.7878
Email Up To 3 Items Per Week!

LF 12 cords of seasoned dry wood to be delivered for this winter’s burning
FS (2) electric, Singer sewing machines, cabinet, and table and chair
FS Bags for garden vegetables
FS Crop lifters, NH3 spikes, and shovels for deep tiller
LF Cucumbers
FS 5 overhead doors, Riemer type; (2) electric and one has never been installed – BO
FS Egg grader, candler, and washer – BO
FS John Deere 210 garden tractor - $750
FS 1995 Kawasaki LFK300 Bayou 4x4 quad - $2000 OBO 
FS Full size couch and matching chair, light tan in colour - $500 OBO for the set
FS Octagon aquarium and stand; 30 gallon - $100  
FS Sunlight bright light therapy lamp by Carex - $50
FS Sylvania combination set; A radio cassette and record player still under warranty - $80 OBO
FS 32 GB iPhone 6s - $75
FS Steel ramp for an ATV or snowmobile. Slides in and pulls out of an 8' truck box enclosure - $75
FS 15’ gravel box for tandem truck 
FS Telescopic hoist and hoist cradle to mount and an air tailgate swing arm, mesh gravel tarp. Call for more information. 
FS 10x40 Bunk House with kitchen, living area, and 3-piece bath. Has propane heat, water, stove and air conditioning  
Call for details 204-447-7453 
FS 4 wheel walker, 275lb capacity with a basket - $80
LF Someone who is willing to do wood chipping of cedar branches in Dauphin
FS Electric trimmer - $40 
GA A couple of old Sno-Jet snowmobiles with 440 engines, some parts are missing
FS 300 gallon water tank on wheels - $500
FS Various types of firewood from $50 to $180 per cord 
LF 12 volt or manual pumps for fuel tanks
FS Bradley smoker, including assorted pucks - $200
FS Tree lounge tree stand
FS 40 gallon slip tank with electric pump
FS 50 gallon slip tank  
FS 20.8 x 42 Goodyear tractor tires - $500 each
GA Farm cats 
FS 2 bathroom chairs and 1 stool for tub - $10 and (1) for half tub/floor -$25
FS Old Avon bottles
FS 4, 6, and 10hp outboard motors 
LF 3" steel posts, 16' long for a clothesline
FS 2014 Regular cab truck with SLE package, new tires, and 89,000km 
FS Stainless steel barbecue side burner and tank 
FS Push, gas lawnmower; Yardmachine with a 22" cut and Tecumseh motor
FS Tractor manuals; Cockshutt, Blackhawk 50 and Ford Shop Manuals
FS Storage containers - $5 to $15 
FS XL storage full bedding - $25
FS Dressers, 16"-22"
430-2858 (McCreary)
FS Mid-size garden tiller with a 3.7hp Briggs - $200
FS 12-18" tires
FS 3 push mowers, no baggers 
FS 2 sets scaffolding; 1 smaller, 1 bigger 
FS Ice Fishing Shack 
Text 247-0356 for pictures
LF Hearing aides; Digital type and fairly newer 
LOST Hearing aid between 425 Rive Ave. and No Frills. Reward offered.
GA Hide-A-Bed couch. It’s very heavy and in the basement 
GA (6) Welsh Corgi Cross puppies; A smaller breed.
FS Cuisinart food and meat slicer with a 7.5" serrated blade - $75
FS 12 volt starter for a Briggs motor - $50
FS 1998 Toyota Rav4 All-Wheel-Drive; Includes spare tires, but not saftied
FS Antique stationary engine gas motor with a big fly wheel on it - $600
LF` Tires for a Honda ATC for Honda Trike, 25x9
FS Homemade snowmobile quad trailer; 8' W x 19' L, tandem axle and 4 new tires - $2000
FS (4) black steel 18" rims - $90 
LF Loveseat in a burgundy/brown or rust colour
FS Men’s left hand hockey stick; Easton Drury 100, never sized or taped - $45
FS Large size pressure cooker 
LF Collapsible ice fishing shack 
FS Jackets; (1) XL Winter CKX Technowear and (1) 3XL Warehouse One 
FS Girls size 5-6, Play Sport Jacket - $15


FS - For Sale     LF - Looking For     GA - Giving Away